Ces Edupack Student Download

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CES EduPack supports and enhances your teaching of materials, engineering, design and sustainability. It provides a comprehensive database of materials and process information, powerful materials software tools, and a range of supporting textbooks, lectures, projects, and exercises. CES EduPack General property and process information including the Materials and Processes Database COMSOL Multiphysics® Integrated software for modeling and simulating every Physic system and for app building DYMOLA (Dynamic Modeling Laboratory) Tool for modeling and simulation of integrated and complex systems IBM Academic initiative.

Advance Material and Manufacturing TechnologiesByShobin John11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se1

CES EduPack 2013 is a unique resource for teaching materials and process-related courses in various subject areas. It provides a comprehensive database of materials and process information, powerful materials tools and a range of supporting textbooks, lectures, projects and exercises. The downsides of using Boot Camp are the risks involved with repartitioning the hard drive and the need to boot into Windows each time you wish to use CES EduPack. Windows Emulation-Emulating the Windows operating system using one of the number of software packages that allow you to run Windows applications from inside OS X as if they were. Once there, scroll down to the “CES Edupack 2019” folder, click on “CES EduPack 2019 - All Editions” and click download. You can also access this folder by searching “CES EduPack 2019” in the search bar on the top of the webpage. When prompted to download, select Save file and click OK to proceed with downloading. GRANTA EduPack tools and resources for students. Video tutorials. The easiest way to get started with GRANTA EduPack, is with our online video tutorials. Free ces edupack 2018 download software at UpdateStar - CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite 2018 is a leading graphic design software enjoyed by millions of professionals, small business owners, and design enthusiasts worldwide.

CASE1:Material Selection


The material world serves a huge list of functions.The evolution was faster and the range of properties more varied.The birth of materials is dated back to the birth of the first invention , though it existed even beforeNew materials were invented with time and its applications variedFrom wheel to the ultra modern Nano-technology instruments material is vitalAshbys chart depicts the material invention and its usage over the years 11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se2

CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIAL WORLDClassifying materials is vital for the ease of identification in practical applicationsPeriodic table was one great invention but not good enough as it does not include the whole list of engineering materials Ashbys classification of materials can overcome this drawback and is as depicted in the picture

11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se3

SELECTION OF MATERIALSThe task of material selection can be simplified by its ordered classification into kingdom, family, class, subclass, member and attributes (Ashbys selection method)This can be used to arrive at a point specific from a diverse wideAn example is as depicted in the diagram

11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se4

SELECTION TECHNIQUE and its structureThe myriad number of materials and its diverse properties, makes material selection process peccableCES EduPack is a software to overcome this dilemmaIt helps to identify the apt material from the material classification world. The structure of the software is as shown in the second figure

11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se5


CES software makes the material selection process less tediousA huge list of material properties and its applications are included in its databaseChart is the main tool used in this software for screening the choicesIt can be done making use of either the bubble chart or the bar chart as depictedComparison of the selected materials can be made through the graph based on the desired characteristics

11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se6

MATERIAL SELECTION FOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESSDISC CLUTCHProject involves flywheel installed on bicycle and is named as Flywheel on bicycle.System requires a component clutch which is used to adjust the gear and flywheel.The engagement and disengagement for changing gear and flywheel is the function of clutch Importance was low to moderate as identified in the QFD

11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se7

IDENTIFYING ATTRIBUTESPrimary feature being machinability and possessing high hardness.Price factor has to be low due to the relatively low importance shown from the QFD analysisAesthetically high will add valueHeat carrying capacity has to be moderately high to overcome friction and heat generation.Chemical inertness and recyclability can help in improving environmental aspects11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se8



Attribute ranking shows that the material has to be identified on the properties of hardness, specific heat capacity, machinability and priceFollowing graphs are selected for material selectionHardness vs. Specific heatPrice vs. Specific heatMachinability vs Price11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se9


Hardness vs. specific heat capacitythis graph is used for the primary screening of material as identified from the attribute rankingthe desired category is identified as the Hardness sectionthe materials have higher specific heat and hardness of the graph is assumed to serve the purpose and compared against the other graphs as identifiedAluminum alloy, high carbon steel and aluminum/silicon carbide composite are chosen to start with /paraphrasing-tool-for-mac.html.

11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se10

PRICE vs. SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITYTrivial importance of the component realizes the vital importance of the material costThe price range is chosen as shown as the desired categoryThis eliminates ALUMINUM/SILICON CARBIDE COMPOSITE which was chosen in the first graph as it costs around 5 USD/lb.ALUMINUM ALLOY and HIGH CARBON STEEL exist

11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se11

MACHINABILITY VS PRICEThe final graph indicates CAST ALUMINUM ALLOY as the material to be selectedThough HIGH CARBON STEEL can be an alternative, the machinability aspect indicates that it cannot be aptFurther the recyclability, high melting point and service temperatures, electrical insulation and chemical inertness shows that CAST ALUMINUM ALLOY can be selected over HIGH CARBON STEEL and ALUMINUM/SILICON CARBIDE COMPOSITE

11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se12

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11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se13

CONCLUSION: CAST ALUMINUM ALLOY WAS THE APT MATERIAL AS IT COVERED A WIDE RANGE OF DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS.Mechanical propertiesYoung's modulus10.4-12.910^6 psiShear modulus3.63-4.9310^6 psiBulk modulus9.57-10.410^6 psiPoisson's ratio0.32-0.36Yield strength (elastic limit)7.25-47.9ksiTensile strength9.43-56ksiCompressive strength7.25-47.9ksiElongation0.4-10% strainFatigue strength at 10^7 cycles4.64-22.8ksiMechanical loss coefficient (tan delta)1e-4-0.002 ALTERNATIVES:Suggestion 1: HIGH CARBON STEELReason: The table indicates HIGH CARBON STEEL to have a desired characteristics except machinability. aspect in context of the product. Suggestion 2: ALUMINUM/SILICON CARBIDE COMPOSITE Reason: The table indicates ALUMINUM/SILICON CARBIDE COMPOSITE to possess the highest electrical resistance and the moderate hardness. The price being on the higher end is a concern but can still be used where reliable is valued over price. 11/15/2015halmstad university, masters in mechanical engineering 2015. shojoh15@student.hh.se14

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  1. Students must register at students.autodesk.com to obtain a serial number for product activation.
  2. Once registered, locate the Autodesk software you need here: https://www.autodesk.com/education/edu-software
  3. Use the Autodesk Download Manager to acquire and install your software.
  4. Use the Autodesk Desktop App to keep your software up to date.

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  1. Arc-GIS-Student:
    ( arch-data.austin.utexas.eduArch-GIS-Student )
    This read-only share contains a copy of the ArcGIS software typically available from the ESRI Website. It is preferred that students on-campus download these files from this share instead of directly from ESRI in order to conserve the university's internet bandwidth.
  2. gis-data:
    ( arch-data.austin.utexas.eduGIS )
    This read-only share has a variety of GIS data available to all UTSOA students for use in GIS courses, projects, and analysis.
  3. TransCAD-Student:
    ( arch-data.austin.utexas.eduTransCAD-Student )
    This read-only share contains a copy of TransCAD 5.0 in a compressed zip file for download. A USB network license key with serial number is available for signout at the SOA Service Desk in the Technology Lab.
    How to license your Transcad software using the Transcad licensing dongle: TransCAD Licensing

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